
Video & Audio


Interviews with fruit growers of demonstration project
„Betrieb Schmitz-Hübsch 2021 – Im Gespräch"
Moderation: Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW) 
Duration: 16:59 min. Online since: 04.10.2021 

From practice to practice - the fruit farmers have their say.
Mr. Schmitz-Hübsch (Obstbaubetrieb Otto Schmitz-Hübsch GbR) explains his experiences and findings from the demonstration project in an interview with Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW).

Interviews with fruit growers of demonstration project
„Betrieb Felten 2021 – Im Gespräch"
Moderation: Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW) 
Duration: 15:12 min. Online since: 04.10.2021 

From practice to practice - the fruit farmers have their say.
Mr. Felten (Obsthof Felten) explains his experiences and findings from the demonstration project in an interview with Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW).

Interviews with fruit growers of demonstration project
„Betrieb Bursch 2021 – Im Gespräch"
Moderation: Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW)
Duration: 18:05 min. Online since: 04.10.2021 

From practice to practice - the fruit farmers have their say.
"It's not worth without nets," says Mr. Bursch (Biohof Bursch) and explains his experiences and findings from the demonstration project in an interview with Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW).

Two-part report with videos on „Demonstrationsvorhaben: Einnetzen gegen die Kirschessigfliege" at Erdbeer-Spargel-Portal
23.08.21/ 25.08.21

On 23.08. and 25.08.21, Erdbeer-Spargel-Portal published a two-part report inclusive videos with Dr. Silke Benz (LWK NRW) on „Demonstrationsvorhaben: Einnetzen gegen die Kirschessigfliege". In first video, Dr. Benz reported on the reults to demonstration project. In second video, Dr. Benz gives important tips on the practical useof exclusion nets.

Educational film: „Kirschessigfliege – Befallskontrolle an Himbeeren"
Moderation: Dipl.-Ing. agr. Bianca Boehnke
Duration: 08:56 Min. Online since: 15.07.2021

Are the fruits in the my netted orchard free from infestation by Spotted Wing Drosophila? In order to check this carefully, fruit examinations are carried out at regular intervals. You can do this yourself with simple accessories.

Leaflet "Kirschessigfliege: Untersuchung auf Fruchtbefall" (German)

Educational film: „Wir bauen eine Falle zum Fang der Kirschessigfliege"
Duration: 02:44 min. Online since: 01.03.2021

We need a trap to monitore the occurence of Spotted Wing Drosophila in fruit crops and to evaluate the possible risk of fruit infestation. Such a trap can be made by yourself with simple household items in just a few steps.

Leaflet "JKI-trap to monitor the Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii"

Short film: „Betrieb Stein 2020 - Einnetzen der Kirschanlage"
Duration: 01:49 min. Online since: 23.11.2020

The short film shows the set up of the foil canopy and exclusion netting of cherry plant of fruit grower Stein in Hirschberg an der Bergstraße (Baden-Wuerttemberg). The cherry plant have a size of 2,6 ha. The steps of installation of the modern foil canopy-net-system will be shown in video. Fruit grower Stein is a participating demonstration farm in demonstration project "Exclusion netting to managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in fruit crops". Exclusion netting of fruit crops is currently the most important method to managing Spotted Wing Drosophila.

Short film: „Betrieb Baßler 2020 - Einnetzung der Heidelbeeranlage"
Duration: 02:04 min. Online since: 26.10.2020

The short film shows the set up of exclusion netting of blueberry plant at fruit grower Baßler in Kappelrodeck (Baden-Wuerttemberg). The blueberry plant will be fully covered with nets (mesh size 0,8 mm x 0,8 mm) without any foil covering. The supporting structure consisting of wooden posts and wires. The fruit grower Baßler is a participating demonstration farm in demonstration project "Exclusion netting to managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in fruit crops". Exclusion netting of fruit crops is currently the most important method to managing Spotted Wing Drosophila.

Short film: „Betrieb Sonntag 2020 - Einblick in die Brombeeranlage"
Moderation: Dr. Silke Benz, LWK NRW
Duration: 04:12 min. Online since: 16.10.2020

In the short film, Dr. S. Benz (LWK NRW) explains and demonstrates important aspects of the exclusion netting of blackberries in foil tunnels at fruit grower Sonntag (Northrhine-Westphalia). Further, Dr. Benz describes measures in the blackberry plant to monitore Spotted Wing Drosophila and further pest and pathogens as well as recording of climate data.

Television programme „Xenius – Invasive Insekten – Wie gefährlich sie wirklich sind" on ARTE

On 12.10.2020, Dr. Heidrun Vogt (JKI Dossenheim) explains in the episode „Invasive Insekten – Wie gefährlich sind sie wirklich" of television programme Xenius (ARTE) the situation with Spotted Wing Drosophila an exclusion netting to managing Spotted Wing Drosophila.

Only available 12.10.2020 - 09.01.2021

Short film: „Betrieb Schmitz-Hübsch 2020 - Einblick in die Kirschanlage"
Moderation: Dr. Silke Benz, LWK NRW
Duration: 07:13 min. Online since: 18.09.2020

In the short film, Dr. S. Benz (LWK NRW) explains and demonstrates important aspects of the exclusion netting of the cherry plant at fruit grower Schmitz-Hübsch (Northrhine-Westphalia). Further, Dr. Benz describes measuers in exclusion netting of cherry plants to monitore Spotted Wing Drosophila and further pest and pathogens as well as the recording of climate data.

Explanatory film: „Warum es wichtig ist, Kirschbäume „einzunetzen"!
Duration: 2:55 min. Online since: 27.11.2018

The Spotted Wing Drosophila is an important insect pest! The three-minute animated film explains compact and comprehensive how Spotted Wing Drosophila can cause so much damage in fruit crops and how the exclusion nettings can avoid this. 


Erdbeer Spargel Portal: Volleinnetzung gegen die Kirschessigfliege Part 3: Video 
Duration: 02:23 min. Online since: 27.07.2017

As a part of a three-part report of the online "Erdbeer Spargel Portal" on demonstration project, an interview with Dr. S. Benz (LWK NRW) was published.

Television report "Winzige Fliege bedroht Kirsch- und Beerenernte in Welver", WDR, Lokalzeit Südwestfalen

On 02.07.2019 was held an informational meeting at fruit farm Korn. Dr. S. Benz (LWK NRW) presented the demonstration project and the previous results of project. As last year, press and television (WDR) was present. In the local news programme "Lokalzeit" of WDR was published an television report.
Video no longer available



Radio broadcast hr-iNFO, Funkkolleg 2020/2021, Mensch und Tier „Die Nilgans auf der Liegewiese

On 24.04.2021, the project leader Dr. Heidrun Vogt (JKI Dossenheim) reported in radio broadcast Funkkolleg 2020/2021, Mensch und Tier, Episode 15 „Die Nilgans auf der Liegewiese" of hr-iNFO on Spotted Wing Drosophila and the exclusion netting of fruit crops to managing the fly. 
hr-iNFO, Funkkolleg 2020/2021, Mensch und Tier „Die Nilgans auf der Liegewiese

Radio-Interview in broadcasting „Quarks - Wissenschaft und mehr", WDR 5

On 16.05.2019, Dr. S. Benz (LWK NRW) and on project participating fruit grower Felten were interviewed to the exclusion netting of cherries and the demonstration project (from 1:03:44).
WDR 5 Quarks - Wissenschaft und mehr_16.05.2019 

Radio-Interview "Mit Netzen gegen die Kirschessigfliege", Deutschlandfunk

On 03.05.2019, an interview with Dr. S. Benz (LWK NRW) with the topic "exclusion netting to managing Spotted Wing Drosophila" was published on radio broadcast „Verbraucher und Umwelt" of Deutschlandfunk.
Deutschlandfunk - Verbraucher und Umwelt - Mit Netzen gegen die Kirschessigfliege_03.05.2019

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